Welcome to St. Luke's
The Anglican Church in East City, Peterborough
Worship God - teach the faith - serve our community

We are delighted
you have found us here.
We look forward to meeting you in person.
We worship Sundays at 10 am.
We enjoy worship in the Anglican tradition with lively music, and relevant preaching.
Children are welcome to attend a special program in a warm and welcoming space and enjoy stories and snacks,
or stay with their parents in the service.
We have coffee hour after the service.
​Upcoming Services
February 9th - The Season of Epiphany -
Holy Eucharist and Holy Baptism
The Rev. Susan Spicer
February 16th - The Season of Epiphany -
Holy Eucharist
The Rev. Doug Woods
February 23rd - The Season of Epiphany
Morning Prayer with
Beth Craig-Markle, Lay Reader
March 2nd - The Last Sunday in Epiphany
The Rev. Doug Woods
March 5th - Ash Wednesday
12:15 pm. Come for a Eucharist with imposition of ashes and stay for a brown bag lunch.

Celebration of New Ministry
The Rev. Susan Spicer, priest in charge
Saturday, March 1st, at 11 am
The Rt. Rev. Riscylla Shaw presiding.
All are welcome. Reception to follow.
Connect with Us!
Sign up for our weekly Friday email for news, upcoming events
and a bit of inspiration by emailing newsletter@saintlukes.ca
If you have any questions at all
do not hesitate to contact us at info@saintlukes.ca
or call the office at 705-742-6202​.
Our office is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
between 9 and 4 pm.
Visit and follow us on Facebook

The Food Bank is open 10:30 to 1 pm
The Thrift Shop is open 10:30 to 12:30 pm
Note: we are closed the first Friday of every month.
The Food bank is closed February 7th
Community Dinner
Saturday Feb 8th
5 - 6:30. All Welcome
$2 or pay what you can